ECONOMIC Grounding for the profitability of  compressor methane stations with a brand SICOM intended for filling of motor vehicles with compressed natural gas methane



Dear Sirs,


My name is Lubo Ganevmanager of Remix Bulgaria LTD, which is exclusive agent for Bulgaria of the Italian company SICOM LTD for modular methane stations for motor vehicles with compressed natural gas (methane) for Bulgaria. I would like to offer you economic grounding of a complete assembly of a modular methane-station for input pressure of the gas 4-55 bar/g. First, I would like to specify the proportion of each characteristics of the compressed natural gas at 200bar/g:


1. . Delivery price from Bulgargaz – 496,16 lv with VAT per 1000 normal ì³ methane


1 m³ methane = 4 liters methane = 0,71 kg methane = 0,496  lv with VAT (delivery price from Bulgargaz )

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,4 m³ methane = 0,694 lv with VAT (delivery price from Bulgargaz )

1 liter methane = 0,25 m³ methane = 0,178 kg methane = 0,124 lv with VAT (delivery price from Bulgargaz )

The proportion methanegasoline and methane - propane-butane is as follows:

3,2 liters methane= 0,571 kg methane = 1 liter gasoline = 0,396 lv with VAT (delivery price from Bulgargaz )

3 liters methane = 0,535 kg methane = 1 liter propane-butane= 0,371 lv with VAT (delivery price from Bulgargaz )

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,750 liters gasoline = 0,694 lv with VAT (delivery price from Bulgargaz )

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,867 liters propane-butane = 0,694 lv with VAT (delivery price from Bulgargaz )


2. Delivery price from Overgas – 534.40 lv with VAT per 1000 normal ì³ methane


1 m³ methane = 4 liters methane = 0,71 kg methane = 0,534 lv with VAT (delivery price from Overgas)

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,4 m³ methane = 0,747 lv with VAT (delivery price from Overgas)

1 liter methane = 0,25 m³ methane = 0,178 kg methane = 0,133 lv with VAT (delivery price from Overgas)

The proportion methanegasoline and methane - propane-butane is as follows:

3,2 liters methane = 0,571 kg methane = 1 liter gasoline = 0,426  lv with VAT (delivery price from Overgas)

3 liters methane = 0,535 kg methane = 1 liter propane-butane = 0,399 lv with VAT (delivery price from Overgas)

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,750 liters gasoline = 0,747 lv with VAT (delivery price from Overgas)

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,867 liters propane-butane = 0,747 lv with VAT (delivery price from Overgas)



3. Selling price of an end customer at a gas filling station – 1,30 lv/kg


1 m³ methane = 4 liters methane = 0,71 kg methane = 0,923 lv with VAT (selling price at a gas filling station)

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,4 m³ methane = 1,30 lv with VAT (selling price at a gas filling station)

1 liter methane = 0,25 m³ methane = 0,178 kg methane = 0,231 lv with VAT (selling price at a gas filling station)

The proportion methanegasoline and methane - propane-butane is as follows:

3,2 liters methane = 0,571 kg methane = 1 liter gasoline = 0,742 lv with VAT (selling price at a gas filling station)

3 liters methane = 0,535 kg methane = 1 liter propane-butane = 0,695 lv with VAT (selling price at a gas filling station)

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,750 liters gasoline = 1,30 lv with VAT (selling price at a gas filling station)

1 kg methane = 5,6 liters methane = 1,867 liters propane-butane = 1,30 lv with VAT (selling price at a gas filling station)



4. The profit of selling at a gas filling station at a price of 1,30 lv/kg with supplier Bulgargaz with a surplus charge  87%



Delivery price

Selling price


Expenses 7%

End profit

M³ methane

0,496 lv with VAT

0,923 lv with VAT


0,034 lv with VAT

0,393  lv with VAT

KG methane

0,694 lv with VAT

1,30 lv with VAT


0,048 lv with VAT

0,558  lv with VAT

Liter methane

0,124 lv with VAT

0,231 lv with VAT


0,008 lv with VAT

0,099  lv with VAT


            À) The profit of a station at average one filling of the motor vehicle with 70 liters - 12,5 kg methane at a price 1,30 lv/kg while the number of motor vehicles filled within a day is changeable.


Number of motor vehicles

Daily turnover for 1 motor vehicle

Daily turnover number of motor vehicles

Daily end profit

Month profit lv

Annual profit lv


16,25 lv with VAT

325,00 lv with VAT

139,50 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

812,50 lv with VAT

348,75 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

1625,00 lv with VAT

697,50 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

2437,50 lv with VAT

1046,25 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

3250,00 lv with VAT

1395,00 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

4875,00 lv with VAT

2092,50 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

8125,00 lv with VAT

3487,50 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

16250,00 lv with VAT

6975,00 lv with VAT





5. The profit of selling at a gas filling station at a price of 1,30 lv/kg with a supplier Overgas  with a surplus charge 74%



Delivery price

Selling price


Expenses 7%

End profit

̳ methane

0,534 lv with VAT

0,923 lv with VAT


0,037 lv with VAT

0,352 lv with VAT

kg methane

0,747 lv with VAT

1,30 lv with VAT


0,052 lv with VAT

0,501 lv with VAT

liter methane

0,133  lv with VAT

0,231 lv with VAT


0,009 lv with VAT

0,089 lv with VAT


            À) The profit of a station at average onetime filling of the motor vehicle with 70 liters- 12,5 kg methane at a price of  1,30  lv/kg with a changing number of motor vehicles per day.


Number of motor vehicles

Daily turnover for 1 motor vehicle

Daily turnover number of motor vehicles

Daily end profit

Month profit lv

Annual profit lv


16,25 lv with VAT

325,00 lv with VAT

125,25 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

812,50 lv with VAT

313,12  lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

1625,00 lv with VAT

626,25 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

2437,50 lv with VAT

939,38 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

3250,00 lv with VAT

1252,50 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

4875,00 lv with VAT

1878,75 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

8125,00 lv with VAT

3131,25 lv with VAT




16,25 lv with VAT

16250,00 lv with VAT

6262,50 lv with VAT






Example 1: Compressor station model W132 with capacity 850 ì³/h at input pressure 5-6 bar/g with 2 double filling gas station can compress 3400 liters methane per 1 hour or 81600 liters methane per 24 hours with which can be filled 1166 motor vehicles with cylinders from 70 liters– 12,5 kg gas.

Example 2: Compressor station model W90 with capacity 550 ì³/h at input pressure 5-6 bar/g with 1 double filling gas station can compress 2200 liters methane per 1 hour or 52800 liters methane per 24 hours with which 755 motor vehicles can be filled with cylinders of 70 liters– 12,5 kg gas.


The main advantages of methane stations with the brand SICOM are:

- By its modern technologies and high quality of the production, the company has built nets of filling stations in many countries all over the world and it has ambitions to build 30-40 stations on the territory of Bulgaria by 2009 year, offering the most attractive and special conditions and a full range of services for the Bulgarian

- The SICOM compressor stations are with great capacity and low expense of energy, which can be achieved by using the most modern technologies in the production of such equipment. The electricity expenses are reduced to 3-4% from the delivery price of the methane

- Only SICOM has patented the use of Buster” (additional smaller hydraulic compressor with power 15 kW and 18 kW) for faster filling from the storehouse to the filling station and lowering the expenses for electricity. The life of the main compressor is made longer by the use of the Buster”, because it is less used and the replacement of its elements is rare and it has less wearing out of its components

- they can operate at wide range of input pressure (3-60 bar/g)

- the lowest price at the Bulgarian market (the difference between a complete assembly to the other manufacturers, presented in Bulgaria, is over 40 000 euro)

- Only SICOM supply with a complete assembly of methane stations, fixed in special containers, which are not additionally paid and the clients have no other expenses on the equipment completion of the station, except for transport, load handling operations, customs and bank expenses. Separately Remix Bulgaria LTD are paid for the work for the installation and the starting of the compressor station, in accordance with the requirements of SICOM, as Remix Bulgaria LTD take at their expense the full garantee service and maintenance in a period of 1 (one) year of the date of putting the modular station in operation, but not later than 18 months from the buying date. Separately Remix Bulgaria LTD is paid only the components used during the guarantee period (oils, filters, cylinder gaskets and others). After this period, the conditions for service and maintenance of the delivered technology are negotiable by a individual contract between your company and Remix Bulgaria LTD.


The compressor station is delivered attached in an explosion-proof steel container with all connecting inner manifolds, electric system, gas signaling apparatus, air compressor for pneumonic systems, air tube and scavenging tank at the entrance of the gas. The installation and the connecting of each module and components of the station are made by educated and high qualified specialists of Remix Bulgaria LTD in the factory of SICOM in Italy, where all necessary tests for correctly functioning of the station are made. The price for the whole installation amounts to 9000 lv to 16000 lv no VAT added, depending on the type of the compressor and the number of the stations.


Remix Bulgaria LTD can offer a lease plan or bank credit for buying a station on request of its clients, meanwhile it guarantees before the respective authorities for the correct technical maintenance and the possibility for buy-back of the facilities before the payment period at a previously negotiated price has passed.


For any further information you can contact me at tel. 0888-330053 or at my office tel/fax: 02-8629057.



Yours faithfully:  


 Lubo Ganev